Classification for kingdom plantae down to family zingiberaceae. A plant family of the order zingiberales, subclass zingiberidae, class liliopsidait includes plants which. Significance of gingers zingiberaceae in indian system. The phytochemical profiles of various zingiberaceae species have been previously reported. It grows to about one metre in tropical monsoon regions, has large lilylike.
The current classification of the zingiberaceae which is based on both vegetative and floral characteristics includes four tribes. Ginger zingiber officinale is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely. Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word zingiberaceae. Zingiberaceae or the ginger family, is a family of flowering plants made up of about 50 genera with a total of about 1600 known species of aromatic perennial herbs with creeping horizontal. Family zingiberaceae consists of the large number of medicinal plants and is. Simply select a language and press on the speaker button to listen to the pronunciation of the word. Zingiberaceae dictionary definition zingiberaceae defined. About the classification report about the classification download. Our results prove that edible plants of the zingiberaceae family found in thailand are rich. Pdf the pantropical zingiberaceae is the largest family in the order zingiberales with 53 genera and over 1200 species. Nutritional compositions and phytochemical properties of the edible flowers from selected. Species diversity and their uses puangpen sirirugsa department of biology, faculty of science, prince of songkla university, hat yai, thailand abstract. Zingiberaceae synonyms, zingiberaceae pronunciation, zingiberaceae translation, english dictionary definition of zingiberaceae. Kuete, in medicinal spices and vegetables from africa, 2017.
The utilization of sikala etlingera elatior as traditional medicine in porehu district, north kolaka regency, southeast sulawesi province, indonesia. Zingiberaceae, commonly known as turmeric, is native to southwest india with its rhizomes being the source of a bright yellow spice with various medicinal applications. Sikala is a plant belonging to zingiberaceae familia with the local name sikala local language, walae ethnic of tolaki, and patikala ethnic of bugis, and in indonesia known as kecombarang. Traditional usages and phytochemical screenings of selected zingiberaceae from central sulawesi, indonesia. Itis taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties.
Zingiberaceae commonly known as ginger family, is a family of flowering plants. Try this free pdf to word converter online using any internetconnected device. Information and translations of zingiberaceae in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions. Zingiberaceae ginger family detail about zingiberaceae family habitat they mostly grow in damp and humid shady places. Family zingiberaceae definition of family zingiberaceae. Leaves distichous, sometimes appearing tufted, in lower part of shoot usually without blade. Pdf to word convert pdf to doc, online converter for free. Zingiberaceae article about zingiberaceae by the free. All structured data from the file and property namespaces. Stems short, poorly developed, mostly lengthened by erect pseudostem formed by the leaf sheaths. Berikut ini adalah download jurnal gratis yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber tentang jurnal penelitian distribusi spasial tumbuhan zingiberaceae pdf.
Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Learn how to say zingiberaceae with emmasaying free pronunciation tutorials. Stems usually short, replaced by pseudostems formed by leaf sheaths. Zingiber officinale, ethnobotany, pharmacology, phytochemistry i. Zingiberaceae definition of zingiberaceae by the free. The tropical ginger genus amomum zingiberaceae has always posed challenges for classification based on morphological characters. The first classification of this family was proposed in 1889 and later refined. This page was last edited on 8 february 2020, at 15. One of the inclusion criteria by which the 8 rcts of zingiberaceae extracts included in the metaanalysis were selected was. Species of zingiberaceae contained within the plant list belong to 50 plant genera. Genetic diversity, cytology, and systematic and phylogenetic studies in zingiberaceae shakeel ahmad jatoi 1,2 akira kikuchi1 kazuo n. Pdf the phylogeny and a new classification of the gingers. The measure of family are distributed through the eastern hemisphere, particularly in indomalayan area. Literature was screened from electronic databases using the key words zingiberaceae and pain or visual analogue score vas to identify randomized.
The english word ginger comes to us from the french word gingimbre by way of the ancient south asian words inji ver literally, the root of inji in dravidian and singivera pali, from which the greek word zingiberis and the medieval latin word. An herbaceous perennial closely related to ginger and a member of the family zingiberaceae. Herbs perennial, terrestrial, rarely epiphytic, aromatic, with fleshy, tuberous or nontuberous rhizomes, often with tuberbearing roots. Traditional usages and phytochemical screenings of selected. Posts about zingiberaceae written by michael thomas garrison. Kai larsen2 herbs perennial, terrestrial, rarely epiphytic, aromatic, with fleshy, tuberous or nontuberous rhizomes, often with tuberbearing roots. Family zingiberaceae consists of the large number of medicinal plants and is wellknown for its use in ethnomedicine and play a major role in indian system of medicine, ayurveda. Checklist of the zingiberaceae of malesia book, 2004. Zingiberaceae definition is a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants order musales consisting of leafy perennial herbs with aromatic rootstocks and very irregular flowers having a. Zingiberoideae, as treated in frps, are treated here as costaceae and zingiberaceae, respectively.
Pdf significance of gingers zingiberaceae in indian system of. Zingiberaceae, the ginger family of flowering plants, the largest family of the order zingiberales, containing about 52 genera and more than 1,300 species. Zingiberaceae definition of zingiberaceae by merriamwebster. The plant is indigenous to south china and was spread eventually to the spice islands, other parts of asia, and subsequently to west africa. Nutritional compositions and phytochemical properties of the edible. The zingiberaceae the zingiberaceae comprise the largest family in the order zingiberales. Reliable information about the coronavirus covid19 is available from the world health organization current situation, international travel.
Significance of gingers zingiberaceae in indian system of. These aromatic herbs grow in moist areas of the tropics and subtropics, including some regions that are seasonably dry. Gingers are found throughout the tropics and subtropics, but. The zingiberaceae is the largest family of the order zingiberales. Effortlessly convert any pdf file into a ms word document. Most grow in tropical forests which are threatened with. This free online pdf to doc converter allows you to convert a pdf document to microsoft word doc format, providing better quality than many other converters. Ayurveda, curcuma, gingers, indian system of medicine, zingiberaceae introduction the family zingiberaceae is wellknown for its medicinal values and it is distributed widely throughout the tropics, particularly in southeast asia. It contains over 52 genera and more than 1,000 species. The english origin of the word, ginger, is from the mid14th century, from old english gingifer, from medieval latin. Leaves distichous, simple, those toward base of plant. Zingiberaceae consists of 49 genera and about 0 species, out of which about 17 genera and 115 species have been reported from india. A checklist of malesian zingiberaceae is provided, giving generic names, specific and infraspecific binomials and trinomials, basionyms, synonyms, protologues, type specimens and their locations.
Members of zingiberales are widely distributed in the tropics. Convert pdf to word convert your pdf to editable document. Some zingiberales prefer a greater degree of light and are found in forest glades or margins, or in open secondary growth along streams and rivers. Zingiberales, the ginger and banana order of flowering plants, consisting of 8 families, 92 genera, and more than 2,100 species.
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